
Shortstack  (2017 – 2018) DigiPen 2nd year student project

Stack on 3 of your friends heads in this gnometastic game. This 4-player co-op platformer will test your cooperation, skill, and patience with your fellow gnomes.

Written in a custom C++ engine using OpenGL

Team Size: 8
Roles: Graphics Programmer, Gameplay Programmer
Honors: Entered into PAX 10 and brought to PAX West 2018 as a featured game in the DigiPen booth

DigiPen Game Gallery Page

Number Station (2017)

Puzzle game using mysterious radio stations to guide the player through an advancing story. Entry for Ludum Dare 39.

Developed in Unity3D

Top Results (out of 2355 entries):

  • Overall: 64th
  • Innovation: 26th
  • Audio: 9th
  • Mood: 12th
  • Graphics: 25th

Ludum Dare Project Page

Swordcery (2017) DigiPen 1st year student project

Swordcery is a 2D action platformer that uses mouse gestures to cast spells, and uses soft body physics to create a unique squishy look to the characters.

Written in C in DigiPen’s Alpha Engine

Team Size: 5
Roles: Producer, Gameplay Programmer.
Implemented soft body physics, volumetric lighting, and particle systems.
Honors: Displayed at the Spring 2017 Digipen Student Showcase
